The checklist addresses issues when working with lasers.
The checklist addresses issues when working with lasers.
Document name | |
Laser | |
Area/location | Date |
Invalid Date | |
Approved by | Participants |
Description | The list is based on the following regulations |
The checklist addresses issues when working with lasers. |
Question | Yes | No | N/A | Risk assessment: | Risk description | ||
Low | Medium | High | |||||
1. Are user manuals in Swedish with safety information available at the workplace? |
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2. Are the laser's markings and warning text correct? |
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3. Has the total exposure to artificial optical radiation to which workers may be exposed been assessed? |
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4. Is an assessment of exposure planned and carried out at appropriate intervals of the exposure in consultation with the employee concerned and by an expert? |
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5. Has a risk assessment been conducted due to work with lasers? |
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6. Is the risk assessment updated in connection with changes to activities? |
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7. Are workers ensured not to be exposed to laser radiation in excess of the limit values set out in the swedish work environment authority's statute book 20097 (AFS 20097)? |
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8. Are workers informed about the risks associated with the laser class? |
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9. Do laser operators and other personnel at risk of exposure have the necessary knowledge? |
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10. Is a medical examination offered if an employee has suffered an illness or harmful impact due to exposure? |
Question | Yes | No | N/A | Risk assessment: | Risk description | ||
Low | Medium | High | |||||
11. Is there a designated person responsible for monitoring laser safety in the workplace when working with laser classes 3b and 4? |
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12. Is the person designated to monitor the workplace when working with class 3B and 4 lasers well aware of the use, risks, and relevant commissions? |
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13. Is the risk area sufficiently demarcated with signs? |
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14. Is the risk area cordoned off or, if barriers are not suitable for practical reasons, monitored? |
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15. Can the danger area only be entered by those who need to be there to work with, maintain the laser, or assist in the work? |
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16. Is the risk area when working with class 3B and 4 lasers determined with regard to reflections (e.g. shiny surfaces) and the use of radiation-collecting optics (e.g. lenses)? |
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17. Is the path of the laser beam encapsulated or shielded? |
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18. Are the laser safety goggles adapted to the specific laser being used? |
Other Here you can note risks that need to be addressed that are not included in the checklist |
© Prevent – Arbetsmiljö i samverkan Svenskt Näringsliv, LO och PTK
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