Prevents checklists

VVS installationsarbeten del 2 - servicearbeten och servicebil

OBSERVERA! Del 1 är en grundläggande del och därför ska den fyllas i innan ni börjar använda Del 2 eller Del 3. SÅ HÄR ANVÄNDER DU CHECKLISTAN Checklistan är tänkt att vara ett stöd i samband med framtagande av rutiner för ett säkrare arbete. Chefen/arbetsledaren ska i samverkan med skyddsombudet använda checklistan som underlag och hjälpmedel vid planering av arbetet. Checklistorna är uppdelad i tre delar: • Del 1. Allmän del – planering, maskiner och kontroller. • Del 2. Servicearbeten och servicebil – tillstånd, kontroll av stegar m m. • Del 3. ROT-arbeten – planering, maskiner, samordning


a) Is the space large enough for the equipment and materials needed for the work?

b) Is there heating and good ventilation provided (for any leaking gas cylinders)?

c) Is it designed to make it easy to bring in equipment, materials, etc.?

d) Are there enough shelves, cabinets, drawers, cable reel racks, etc. available?

e) Equipped with load shift protection if necessary?

a) Is there an RCD for electrical machines?

b) Is the work lighting suitable, for example, a compact fluorescent lamp (not halogen headlights due to glare fire risk)?

c) Is there a fire extinguisher?

d) What are the requirements for personal protective equipment?

e) Is it an eyewash bottle?

f) A first aid kit?

a) Is the regulator not mounted while driving (excluding Airtop and Nemo)?

b) Is the shut-off valve closed?

c) Are the protective nut and hood attached?

d) Are the transport cards stuck to the gas cylinder?

a) Daily inspection of the service car?

b) Car maintenance?

c) Cleaning the car?



a) Do two people help each other?

b) Is a suitable trolley used instead of carrying by hand?

a) Suitable transport trailer?

b) Are stair climbers (preferably electric) needed?

a) Is it intact and in good condition?

b) Are they easy to work with?

c) Is it well designed with a good cargo bed, suitable wheels, and handles?

a) Has the elevator at the workplace been out of order or missing?

b) Has the workplace been cluttered with cables, rubbish, etc.?

c) Is the machine tool not functioning properly or has it stopped working?

d) Are there any challenges when it comes to transporting waste (such as crockery, radiators, etc.) from the workplace?

a) Is there a laundry facility near the workplace?

b) Are minor injuries treated immediately?

c) Do you have additional gloves for changing if you get wastewater on your gloves?