Prevents checklists

VVS installationsarbeten del 1 - allmän del

OBSERVERA! Del 1 är en grundläggande del och därför ska den fyllas i innan ni börjar använda Del 2 eller Del 3. SÅ HÄR ANVÄNDER DU CHECKLISTAN Checklistan är tänkt att vara ett stöd i samband med framtagande av rutiner för ett säkrare arbete. Chefen/arbetsledaren ska i samverkan med skyddsombudet använda checklistan som underlag och hjälpmedel vid planering av arbetet. Checklistorna är uppdelad i tre delar: • Del 1. Allmän del – planering, maskiner och kontroller. • Del 2. Servicearbeten och servicebil – tillstånd, kontroll av stegar m m. • Del 3. ROT-arbeten – planering, maskiner, samordning


a) Can the pipes be placed as easily accessible as possible?

b) Are the pipes positioned in such a way that there is enough space for both insulation and access around the pipes?

c) Is sufficient time allocated for all the steps to be completed, including the final isolation?

d) Can the work be planned in a way that allows the insulation work to be carried out using the existing scaffolding and other equipment used in piping?

a) Is someone responsible for the affected parts of the power being cut off?

b) Are written work and safety instructions necessary for the work?

c) Are the lifting devices and equipment in good condition?

d) What personal protective equipment should be used?

e) What first aid kit should be brought?

a) Is it in good condition, stable, and easy to move?

b) Is it equipped with anti-slip protection?

c) Are they type-tested or certified with clear and durable markings?

a) Are assembly instructions available?

b) Is it equipped with stairs or an inclined ladder?

c) Does it have two free guardrails and a toeboard around the work surface if the height to the ground is more than two meters?


a) Are the arms above shoulder height?

b) Are there any crooked working postures?

c) Kneeling or squatting? NB! Greater stress if the space is low or tight.

a) With light tools?

b) For brief periods?

c) With regular micro-breaks?

a) How can we select tools to make it easier to access and work in better working positions?

b) Cooperate or take turns so that no one has to work for long periods in awkward working positions.

c) Can you do something else to make the work easier?

a) Are there at least two people assisting each other?

b) Is lifting and twisting avoided simultaneously?

a) Does the fitter have sufficient knowledge and the employer's permission to use the lift?

b) Is it checked (e.g. according to the manufacturer's instructions) before work begins? NB! Ongoing supervision and maintenance must be documented.

c) Are the instructions clear to ensure that safety devices are not removed from their positions?

d) Has it been verified that it has been inspected?

a) Is the surface uneven?

b) Is the material of the tool large or heavy to handle?

c) Does someone need to reach a high or large area?

d) Does the work take a long time?

a) Is it always placed on firm and level ground?

b) Is it always reliably anchored or supported and the wheels locked?

c) Is loose material removed before scaffolding is moved?

d) Is everyone aware that it is inappropriate to climb on the outside of the gable frames?

a) What are the necessary protections?

b) Do vibration-damping handles exist?

c) Is it a recurrent switch that cannot be locked in the switched on position?

d) Do you need any extraction?

a) Is the audio data requested for the respective machine tool?

b) Are the machine tools with the lowest weight and vibration levels the most preferred?

a) Are the hazard labels readable?

b) Are safety data sheets (SDS) available in Swedish and are they available to affected installers?

c) Is there a list, for example in a binder, of safety data sheets? NB! The list should be updated regularly (at least once a year).

a) Ergonomics, lifting aids, accident risks, and other aspects related to the company's work environment?

b) Asbest?

c) How to use mobile labour platforms?

d) Postures? -> Postures?

e) Is it hot work?

f) First aid, e.g. l-abc?

a) Asbest?

b) Quartz?

c) Are you referring to materials containing epoxy, acrylates, or isocyanates used in fence plastics?

d) Lead? (To lead?)

e) Cadmium?

f) What are refractory fibres?

g) Are you referring to harmful hand and arm vibrations?

a) Can the fitter receive prompt assistance in an emergency, for example, via mobile phone?

b) Does working alone entail restrictions on the ability to contact supervisors or others?

a) Are safety shoes required?

b) Are there knee pads that are large and thick enough to distribute the load on the knees?

c) What are suitable work gloves?

d) Hearing protection?

e) Is respiratory protection necessary?

f) Eye protection?

g) Helmet?

h) High-visibility vest?


a) Are schedules adapted to the task at hand?

b) Are the demands reasonable (high pace versus quality)?

c) Is the work coordinated with other professional groups?

d) Is the schedule extended in case of unforeseen tasks?