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a) Are safety data sheets (SDB) product information sheets available in Swedish and are they available to the personnel concerned?

b) Is there a list, for example in the form of a single binder with safety data sheets (SDB)commodity information sheets?


a) In ventilated areas?

b) In cool and dark spaces (without daylight)?

c) In well-sealed vessels, sacks etc.?

d) Separated if necessary, so that they are not confused or mixed involuntarily?

e) Flammable chemicals stored in fire cabinets or in fire cells?

f) So that toxic chemicals such as cyanides and others are stored in locked cabinet spaces?

g) That forklift driving and goods handling do not damage the chemical packaging, such as paper sacks?


a) Packaging containers containing chemicals?

b) Vessel tank with ready-made solutions?

c) Surface treatment bath?

d) Pipelines?

e) Pumps?

f) Doors to chemical warehouses and other areas where chemicals are handled?

a) Product name?

b) Symbols?

c) Risk phrases?

d) Is it possible to identify the associated safety data sheets?


a) Manual weighing of chemicals?

b) Manual dosing of chemicals?

c) Working in a surface treatment line?

d) Goods handling?

e) Work in the treatment plant?

f) Other handling of chemicals?

a) Offsetting chemicals?

b) Dosage of chemicals?

c) Work in the surface treatment line?

d) Purification of baths?

e) Other work?


a) Rescue?

b) Training for emergencies for affected staff and temporary staff?


a) Extract powder against, for example, granules, flakes, chemicals in solution, etc.?

b) Effective ventilation, e.g. an extraction hood over the balance.

c) Use of fume cupboard safety cabinets for weighing very dangerous chemicals such as cyanide salts, etc.?

d) Use of sack empties with extraction?


a) For chemical splashes?

b) To inhale vapor mist?

a) Dosing pumps and pipelines?

b) With screw conveyors?

c) With vacuum suction?

d) In another way that reduces skin contact and inhalation of dust fumes?


a) Work on equipment for electrolytic surface treatment, e.g. cleaning, anode replacement, repair, etc.?

b) Work in pipeline or tank for corrosive chemicals, gasket or valve replacement, change of piping, etc.

c) Hot work in a container tank containing flammable chemicals?


a) Well-functioning ventilation?

b) To cover the bathing surface with balls or cylinders of, for example, polypropylene or polyacetate?

c) Wetting agent additive for bathing?


a) Is the operator at a safe distance from the process baths?

b) Is it possible to work in a comfortable working position working height?


a) Positioned so that it can be quickly seen and accessed by the operator?

b) Well marked and visible?


a) No unnecessary air pollution gets into the room (the fumes can be harmful to health)?

b) No bothersome heat is emitted to the workplace?



a) To cover the tanks that emit vapours?

b) To arrange more efficient ventilation?

c) To carefully control the pH value or other parameters?