Prevents checklists

Vibration - hand and arm

The checklist contains questions about how risks associated with vibration can be investigated and managed in the business. In the event of hand and arm vibration, the employee's daily vibration exposure is estimated, which is the total exposure during a full working day (8h). The daily exposure value is compared with the action value for hand and arm vibration (2.5 ms2) and the limit value (5.0 ms2). If the action value is exceeded, the employer must put in place measures to reduce the risks. The limit value must not be exceeded. Daily vibration exposure can be estimated with the swedish work environment authority's vibration calculator.


a) Is the maintenance being carried out according to the plan?

b) Has it been checked for wear?

c) Used with accessories designed for the equipment?

a) Does the action value for hand and arm vibration exceed (2.5 ms2)?

b) Is there a suspicion of causing ill-health?

c) Has any other employee who works in a similar way suffered from vibration injuries?