Prevents checklists

Medical check-ups

This checklist contains questions about whether the employer arranges or offers medical check-ups, with or without a certificate of fitness for service, for certain types of work. The checklist is suitable for use by the manager and the safety representative together in an annual review of the routine that the business has for carrying out medical checks. There is also a separate checklist for health examinations. Please note that in the case of AFS 2019:3, medical check-ups in working life, certain rules will not come into force until 1 November 2021.


a) In work where workers are exposed to vibration?

b) When is the hand and arm vibration exposure limit value exceeded?

c) If there is suspicion of exposure that may cause ill-health?

d) What should be done in case of a vibration injury or suspicion of it?




a) Are you referring to epoxy plastic components?

b) Formaldehydresiner?

c) Metylmethakrylat?

d) Acrylater?

e) Products containing H317 may cause an allergic skin reaction.

f) Products containing H334 should be handled with caution and in accordance with the AFS regulations.



a) Before the employee is employed?

b) 3-6 months after the start of work?

c) Recurring at intervals of no more than two years?

a) Does asbestos exposure exceed 50 hours per calendar year?

b) Exposure to refractory ceramic fibers, specialty fibers, crystalline fibers for more than 50 hours per calendar year?

c) Exposure to quartz where the concentration exceeds half the limit value?

d) Does the quarterback work more than 20 hours per week?

a) Before the employee starts working?

b) Recurring at 3-month intervals after the work has begun?

a) Before the employee is employed?

b) Recurring at intervals of no more than 3 years after the work has begun?

a) Before the employee is employed?

b) Recurring every 6 months?

a) Before the employee starts working?

b) Recurring at intervals of no more than 3 years?

a) Before the employee starts working?

b) Recurring every 6 months?

a) Before the employee starts working?

b) Recurring at intervals of no more than 12 months?

a) Before the employee starts working?

b) Recurring at intervals of no more than 12 months?

a) Before the employee starts working?

b) Recurring for employees under the age of 40, with a maximum of 5 years intervals?

c) Recurring for employees who have turned 40 years old, with a maximum of 2 years apart? Recurring for employees who have turned 40 years old, with a maximum of 2 years apart?