Prevents checklists

Graphic industry

The checklist includes questions about, for example, the premises, machinery, and chemicals.


a) Is the temperature comfortable, i.e. not too cold in the winter or too hot in the summer?

b) Is the air quality good?



a) Is it easily accessible?

b) Without thresholds, steps, or inclined planes?

c) Do the doors have adjustable features?

a) Training and certification for operating a forklift?

b) Is the employer's permission required to operate a forklift?

a) Is there a special parking area charging area with ventilation?

b) Is there a functioning eye wash?

c) Are eye protection and gloves available and used for all battery work?

d) Are there instructions for truck charging?



a) Is the cleaner free from the risk of exposure to high solvent levels and skin contact with cleaning agents?

b) Are cleaning agents used as harmlessly as possible (e.g. solvents with low vapour pressure and high boiling point, which means that they emit less air pollution)?

c) If the pressure rollers are detached, are they cleaned in another well-ventilated area?

d) Are personal protective equipment used, such as protective gloves, goggles, and respiratory protection?


a) Is everyone who works with allergenic chemical products (thermosetting plastics) trained as required (e.g. through occupational health care)?

b) Are medical checks carried out on those who work with allergenic chemical products (thermosetting plastics)?

c) Are there handling and safety instructions for working with allergenic chemical products (thermosetting plastics)?

a) Is there an ink mist on the grilles of the printing works? (Risk of uncured paint spreading to the work environment.)

b) Is there effective extraction for paint and paint plants?



a) Can you stop using the isopropanol (possible with water offset)?

b) Can the concentration be reduced (minimum 4–6%) so that the concentration in the air is also low?

c) If none of these measures work, is there site ventilation that effectively traps the vapors from the isopropanol?
