Horse industry
The checklist includes, for example, questions about basic work environment work, safety, psychosocial and physical work environment.
The checklist includes, for example, questions about basic work environment work, safety, psychosocial and physical work environment.
Document name | |
Horse industry | |
Area/location | Date |
Invalid Date | |
Approved by | Participants |
Description | The list is based on the following regulations |
The checklist includes, for example, questions about basic work environment work, safety, psychosocial and physical work environment. |
Question | Yes | No | N/A | Risk assessment: | Risk description | ||
Low | Medium | High | |||||
1. Do you have control over which of the people staying at the facility are classified as employees and for whom you have a work environment responsibility? |
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2. Do all employees in the workplace have access to current health and safety regulations (laws and commissions)? |
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3. Do the safety representative and/or the employees participate in the work environment work? |
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4. Is there a work environment policy? |
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5. Has the employer allocated tasks to managers, supervisors, and other employees to prevent accidents and ill-health? |
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6. Do the individuals assigned work environment tasks have adequate knowledge, governance, and resources (for the job) to perform work environment work? |
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7. Do employees have knowledge of the risks that exist in the various work stages and how they should work to prevent accidents and ill health? |
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8. Are there written instructions in the event of a risk assessment showing serious risks? |
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9. Is the work environment regularly assessed, for example through safety rounds, technical measurements, questionnaires, interviews, etc.? |
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10. Are regular written risk assessments conducted for the physical, mental, and social work environment? |
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11. Are the risks of ill health and accidents investigated, assessed, and taken into account when planning and deciding on, for example, new or changed operations, purchases, repairs, maintenance, or reconstruction? |
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12. Is a written work environment plan drawn up for new construction and renovation? |
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13. Are BAS-P and BAS-U appointed in new construction and renovation? |
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14. Do BAS-P and BAS-U have the necessary training for their assignment? |
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15. Are there procedures for reporting risks, incidents, and accidents? |
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16. Are ill-health, accidents, and serious incidents investigated? |
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17. Are serious incidents and accidents reported immediately to the Swedish Work Environment Authority? |
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18. Are work-related injuries or ill-health and occupational diseases reported to the Swedish Social Insurance Agency? |
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19. Are there written action plans for measures that cannot be implemented immediately? |
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20. Is the work environment work followed up annually? |
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21. Is there an up-to-date alcohol and drug policy? |
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22. Are there procedures for the introduction of new employees? |
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23. Is there a clear organization for work adaptation? |
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24. Is occupational health care used when your own competence for the prevention of work environment work and rehabilitation work is not enough? |
Question | Yes | No | N/A | Risk assessment: | Risk description | ||
Low | Medium | High | |||||
25. Has the management of the company clearly stated that safety should always be a priority? |
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26. Is the facility in order? |
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27. Are the stable aisles kept free from tripping hazards? |
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28. Are tools stored in designated locations? |
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29. Are there door stops to keep the front doors open? |
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30. Is good quality equipment used for training and working with horses? |
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31. Is the equipment maintained in such a way that it lasts and does not risk causing accidents? |
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32. Are the equipment (carts, saddles, etc.) adapted to the people who use it? |
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33. Are there procedures in place to inform workers about the physical and mental condition of the horses that may be necessary to work safely? |
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34. Are there markings and warnings if there is a risk of slipping? |
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35. Are there markings and warnings in case of level differences? |
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36. Are all stairs and ramps equipped with handrails and/or guardrails? |
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37. Are there safeguards in place for falls at feed chutes and other areas with a risk of falling? |
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38. Are the ladders you use type approved and equipped with anti-slip protection? |
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39. Is everyone using an approved helmet when necessary? |
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40. Is everyone using safety vests when needed? |
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41. Do all safety shoes use safety boots with steel caps when handling horses? |
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42. Is hearing protection used by everyone when needed? |
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43. Is everyone using a respirator with the right kind of filter for dusty work? |
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44. Do all employees use protective gloves when necessary? |
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45. Are medicines and prescription medicines stored in a locked space? |
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46. Are all stall doors easily openable from the inside? |
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47. Is it possible to clean the horses without the risk of being kicked or bitten? |
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48. Are the horses fed at the same time and by experienced staff? |
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49. Are the horses being led in a safe manner considering the situation, and with the minimal use of halter and lead rope? |
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50. Are there clear instructions regarding the peculiarities of horses? |
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51. Is it documented which horses have been involved in incidents and accidents? |
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52. Does everyone in the workplace have sufficient knowledge about the horse's behavior and needs? |
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53. Is an assessment and adaptation made based on the horse's temperament and level of education to the employees' experience in handling and training? |
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54. Is the loading of horses done safely? |
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55. Is the work planned in such a way that stressful situations involving horses or vehicles are avoided? |
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56. Are longer journeys planned by horse, for example to and from competitions, so that the employee is given the opportunity for the necessary rest? |
Question | Yes | No | N/A | Risk assessment: | Risk description | ||
Low | Medium | High | |||||
57. Are first aid kits available at strategic locations on the site? |
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58. Are there procedures for maintaining the first aid kit? |
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59. Do employees have sufficient knowledge of first aid? |
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60. Are there clear routines and instructions so that everyone knows what to do and where to turn if an accident occurs? |
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61. Are there defibrillators at the facility? |
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62. Is there an updated list of relatives? |
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63. Are important phone numbers established (for example, for management, safety representative, veterinarian, farrier, occupational health care, insurance company, etc.) so that everyone can reach them? |
Question | Yes | No | N/A | Risk assessment: | Risk description | ||
Low | Medium | High | |||||
64. Are all stall doors and gates to pastures easy to open and close? |
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65. Are carts easy to maneuver? |
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66. Is the slope of 1:12 for manual transport of manure to manure containers? |
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67. Are ergonomic tools used (forks, brooms, shovels, etc.)? |
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68. Are the floors level and stable? |
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69. Is the workplace free of level differences that can lead to increased loads? |
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70. Do employees have knowledge of which working postures are most gentle on the body? |
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71. Are lifting aids available when working with many light or occasional heavy lifts? |
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72. Can one-sided tasks be minimized through rotation? |
Question | Yes | No | N/A | Risk assessment: | Risk description | ||
Low | Medium | High | |||||
73. Are the work environment act's demands on the stable and pasture environment met? |
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74. Is the ventilation working satisfactorily in the stable and other areas? |
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75. Is the lighting sufficient in the stable and in other areas to be able to handle the horses safely? |
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76. Is there emergency lighting in the stables and in the riding halls? |
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77. Is the system free of disturbing and/or hearing-damaging noise? |
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78. Do you implement measures to prevent the risk of snow at entrances and exits? |
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79. Are walkways to and from pastures and training tracks kept free of mud and water? |
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80. Are walkways to and from pastures and training tracks ploughed and sanded in winter? |
Question | Yes | No | N/A | Risk assessment: | Risk description | ||
Low | Medium | High | |||||
81. Do you have regular workplace meetings? |
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82. Are performance appraisals conducted on a regular basis? |
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83. Are there clear job descriptions? |
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84. Is the workload for each individual reasonable? |
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85. Does everyone have sufficient knowledge, resources (for the job), and governance to manage their tasks? |
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86. Can employees influence the organization and implementation of their own work? |
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87. Is the immediate manager available for help and support if needed? |
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88. Is the cooperation between employees functioning well? |
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89. Is there a permissive climate where everyone dares to say what they think and think? |
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90. Is everyone treated fairly and with respect? |
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91. Is there zero tolerance for harassment? |
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92. Are problems and conflicts addressed promptly when they arise? |
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93. Are there clear and functioning routines for scheduling and holiday planning? |
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94. Is external support brought in when needed, such as occupational health care? |
Question | Yes | No | N/A | Risk assessment: | Risk description | ||
Low | Medium | High | |||||
95. Have you conducted risk assessments for various work elements when employees work alone? |
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96. Can there be a risk of double staffing when performing risky tasks? |
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97. Can communication with others be maintained in the event of lone work? |
Question | Yes | No | N/A | Risk assessment: | Risk description | ||
Low | Medium | High | |||||
98. Are there regulations regarding the hours when minors are permitted to work? |
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99. Are the minors' total working hours ensured not to exceed what is approved by the legislation (combined with school and other work)? |
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100. Are the tasks of minors aligned with the provisions of the Swedish Work Environment Authority's statute book on the work environment of minors? |
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101. Are there procedures for the introduction of minors? |
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102. Are all minors assigned a supervisor responsible for directing and overseeing their work? |
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103. Is the safety representative informed of the minor's duties? |
Question | Yes | No | N/A | Risk assessment: | Risk description | ||
Low | Medium | High | |||||
104. There are... | |||||||
a) Are there any heated changing rooms? |
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b) Separate changing rooms for women and men? |
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105. Can employees store their private clothes? |
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106. Can employees heat food and beverages? |
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107. Are there restrooms available? |
Question | Yes | No | N/A | Risk assessment: | Risk description | ||
Low | Medium | High | |||||
108. Are all machines CE marked? |
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109. Are machines used exclusively for business purposes by authorized individuals? |
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110. Is regular maintenance performed on machines, tools, and other equipment? |
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111. Are all employees aware of and compliant with the care and safety instructions for the machinery? |
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112. Are the machines set up safely? |
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113. Are all machines equipped with protection for driving belts, chains, and rotating shafts? |
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114. Are the hitches and hooks for attaching tools and trolleys intact and lockable? |
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115. Are there routines for regular inspection and maintenance of machinery and equipment? |
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116. Are the brakes on tractors, machinery, wagons, and other mobile equipment regularly checked? |
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117. Is the power source always switched off when lubricating, repairing, cleaning, and adjusting machines? |
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118. Is the roadworthiness of equipment driven on the road checked? |
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119. Are all chemical products that may pose health risks listed in a register? |
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120. Are the least harmful chemicals used possible? |
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121. Has everyone been informed about how the chemicals should be used? |
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122. Are safety data sheets available for all hazardous chemical products? |
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123. Are there functioning eye wash stations strategically placed in the facility where there is a risk of chemical splashing? |
Question | Yes | No | N/A | Risk assessment: | Risk description | ||
Low | Medium | High | |||||
124. Is a qualified installer hired for all electrical work? |
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125. Has an electrical inspection been conducted? |
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126. Are there rcds? |
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127. Are all extension cords undamaged and properly earthed? |
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128. Are there free escape routes? |
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129. Are the emergency exits clearly marked? |
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130. Is there a facility plan and a written evacuation plan that is known to all employees? |
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131. Is the assembly point well-placed and familiar to everyone? |
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132. Are there fire safety equipment (smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, fire blankets, etc.) in strategic locations? |
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133. Is the fire equipment regularly checked? |
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134. Are regular fire drills conducted? |
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135. Is smoking prohibited at the resort? |
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136. Are there any other issues with fire and electrical safety at the plant? |
Other Here you can note risks that need to be addressed that are not included in the checklist |
© Prevent – Arbetsmiljö i samverkan Svenskt Näringsliv, LO och PTK
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